covid-19 relevance
Part of the reason for LINK coming into being was the considerable global change in the landscape for the Arts in 2020/21/22. Musicians and artists of all genres had to learn to adapt to the new reality of what was and wasn’t possible during the pandemic, and these challenges acted as a catalyst, and brought to the fore the real role and importance of music and the arts in society in times of hardship and real need.
LINK orchestra aims to sow new seeds and take a fresh look at creativity, creating, and performing in a different way post pandemic; and to help feed the imagination of artists across the broad creative spectrum, through opening up a plethora of different channels for collaboration, both on a professional and educational level. This network of Artists, Composers, Choreographers, Poets, Sculptors, Dancers, Photographers, Film Makers, Performance Artists and Creators, will enable creativity to thrive in a far stronger way, regardless of the ever greater challenges we face.
strength through adversity
We aim to stand as a beacon of positivity in the Arts world. Both for the creators themselves and for the audiences and public, or the ‘benefactors’ of what is newly created.
It is often cited that some of the greatest Art and Music creation comes through adversity, and we firmly believe that with the right support to meet these ends, we can help others create positivity and channel artists' energies in the right direction, in order to capture the wealth of creativity that is abundant in the UK, in order to continue blazing the trail of our amazing artistic heritage.
The need for music in these times is unparalleled - the levels of anxiety in society caused not just by the pandemic, but also by the increasingly difficult world climate, both financial and physical, is palpable and a well known medical fact. Many people’s main solace and way of escape from these feelings is through music. Music is a healing force throughout society, an essential vent, and a vital part of so many people’s lives, especially the elderly. Medical studies for many neurological diseases such as Parkinson's and Alzeimer's/dementia have shown outstanding and remarkable results with regard to how music can help patients in distress, and make a tangible important difference to society. LINK orchestra will address that need, by forging a path to find ways to give people the live music that they need, looking to re-invent the possibilities of live arts performance, whilst also acting as a hub for creativity across the board.